Galliard, Johann Ernst
33 partitions
54 MP3 - 1 MIDI

Ses partitions:

Flute, Violon, Basson

Niveaux de difficulté
Non définis (évaluez!) 2
Débutant (0)
Facile (0)
Intermédiaire (0)
Avancé (0)
Expert (0)
Genres musicaux
Baroque 2

Johann Ernst Galliard
Johann Ernst Galliard (1647 - 1747)
Allemagne Allemagne
Johann Ernst Galliard (1687–1747[1] ) was a German composer.
Galliard was born in Celle, Germany to a French wig-maker. His first composition instruction began at age 15. Galliard studied composition under Jean-Baptiste Farinel, the director of music at the Court of Hanover, and Abbate Steffani. In addition to his composition ability, he was also a capable oboe and recorder player. Galliard made a step forward in his musical career when he performed one of his original compositions. This Sonata for oboe and two bassoons debuted at one of Farinel’s concerts. Galliard earned a
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